Babka, Baby!


And you know this babka’s got chocolate, oh yes!

But before we get to the bread, have you guys tried this yogurt? It’s a type of yogurt called skyr, which is similar to Greek yogurt (siggi’s is the brand name).

I picked it up at Whole Foods and it is the smoothest, creamiest, fluffiest yogurt I’ve ever eaten. Tangy, but not too sharp; thick, but not gummy. If it weren’t so $$, I’d get it more often (I guess I treated myself a lot this weekend!).

I used about 1/2 cup of skyr, 1/2 cup of Barbara’s squares, 1 banana, and 1 tbsp each chocolate chips and PB to make a delicious mess:

I'd already devoured some at this point.

Can you tell I liked it?

There were a couple of food-related items on the agenda for today. First up: chocolate babka.

Looks complicated, but it’s actually pretty simple to make. The recipe is from this book. Peter wanted me to mention that his copy is autographed. Yes, he got it autographed. Shows you where his priorities lie.

Some stages of preparation:

Weighing the flour and salt.
Milk, yeast, and melted butter, with boiling water in the background to rehydrate the parched house (it didn't work).
Dogs acting like cats.
Kneading the dough.
Rolling with a marble rolling pin.
Spreading the choco.
Rolling, rolling, rolling ...
Rising in the pan.

Ohh, yeah.

Peter has been waiting for a couple of weeks to use his smoker, so today was destined to be a meaty day.

Peter used apple and hickory wood to smoke his ribs:

I don’t usually like ribs, but Peter makes a mean one. Of course, I finished with a babka heel (the best part).

The queen on her throne.

Have a wonderful Sunday evening, everyone!


    1. We’ve smoked brisket, ribs, chicken, vegetables (!), and fish. My personal favorite was salmon — yum! I’d love to try cheese next.

  1. Since when have you been calling them “heels”? This upsets me.

  2. Mmmmmm, smoked meat. Maybe smoked heels next.

  3. Hi Jessie,
    Sounds like you are having lots,of good times and food! Congrats on baby J, that chocolate stuff looks yummy. Glad to see a new post. Hope you stay too busy with J to keep us informed very often on the blog! Love you.

    1. Thanks, Aunt Joyce! Love you too!

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