Breakfast Noodle Soup {Recipe Redux}
Early one morning in June 2014, Peter and I were driving down a dark, palm-lined road in Siem Reap, Cambodia. We joined the multitude of tourists bumping along the road in taxis, vans, tuk tuks, and on bicycles, all with one goal: to watch the sunrise over Angkor Wat. While we usually eschew must-dos that are so crowded, I had insisted on this landmark experience during our round-the-world journey.
(This experience was merely one stop during an incredible trip which I will recount. One day.)
While Peter had tramped through each temple with enjoyment, this particular morning he was a bit grumpy. Not because we were on our way to witness the iconic sunrise event, but because of what we were leaving behind. By insisting that we witness the sunrise, I deprived Peter of his favorite Cambodian morning repast: a steaming bowl of noodle soup, a specialty of our hotel.

I felt a little bad, but not as bad as I did after witnessing a grey, decidedly non-sunset morning shortly thereafter. Peter still brings it up occasionally whenever he feels I’ve gone too long without a little teasing.

To spare myself more teasing (although, who am I kidding? Teasing and Peter go together like Maddie and red lentils), I decided to reclaim this breakfast. This sudden desire dovetails nicely with this month’s Recipe Redux:
Cooks aren’t always pressed for time in the mornings – they just need new ideas. Think mug cakes, smoothie bowls, breakfast cookies and more. Show us the healthy way you wake up your breakfast – or wake up just for breakfast!
Although unusual in the US, breakfast noodle soup is common in other parts of the world. This soup had me excited for breakfast every morning, even after a sleepless night with baby J. Bonus: You can make a huge batch ahead of time and heat a bowl every morning. Chopsticks optional.
A warm, filling soup is just the ticket on cold, rainy Oregon days. This soup is packed with whole grain noodles, which are not traditional but do offer plenty of fiber and B-vitamins to get you through the morning. In the spirit of the new 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the soup is also part of a nutritious eating pattern emphasizing plenty of vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Enjoy with a cup of calcium-fortified soy milk and a side of pickled vegetables. Unlike many American breakfasts, this soup not a conglomeration of refined carbohydrates. Take that, frosted corn flakes!
Will making this soup encourage Peter to stop teasing me about his forever-lost Cambodian breakfast noodle soup?
[bctt tweet=”Shake up #breakfast with this warm & filling breakfast noodle soup #healthyrecipes #thereciperedux”]
Breakfast Noodle Soup
 Prep Time: 10 minutes
 Cook Time: 15 minutes
Ingredients (4 servings)
- 4 cups broth (beef, chicken, or vegetable)
- 8 oz. dried whole grain spaghetti noodles
- 14 oz. tofu, chopped into 1/2-inch cubes OR 16 fish balls (found at any Asian grocery)
- 3 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons Chinkiang vinegar
- 1 teaspoon sesame oil
- 3 cups greens (spinach, bok choy)
- 3 tablespoons scallions, chopped
Simmer broth over medium heat. Add soy sauce, vinegar, and sesame oil to broth. Prepare noodles according to package directions. Drain and add to broth.
While noodles are cooking, prepare remaining ingredients. If using fish balls, cook in boiling water for 10 minutes or until temperature measures 165 degrees F in center. Add fish balls or tofu to broth and noodles.
Add greens and scallions to soup and cook for 1 minute, or until greens are wilted. Divide soup into four bowls, top with cilantro if desired, and serve with a side of picked vegetables.
P.S. Why, hello there!
P.P.S. Check out these creative breakfasts below!
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I love eating soup for breakfast! And yours is even more special because it is attached to memories, and now you are making new memories with Baby J!
After the kid was born my mother-in-law brought a lot of Korean soups and stews over, and I loved heating up a nice, warm bowl of soup/stew in the morning. That’s why soups and stews still remind me of the first couple weeks with the kid… 🙂
That’s such a sweet story 🙂
Almost as good as beans for breakfast (lunch, and dinner)!
You know, I never had soup for breakfast, but based on how often and how much I love soup, I’m questioning why not! Thanks for the kick to try it… and for this yummy recipe to start things off!
What an amazing trip! You had me at “breakfast noodles”- this would definitely be an awesome departure from the usual breakfast routine 🙂