Brief Update

Dear Reader,

I apologize for my absence. When the dog who has been your husband’s loyal companion for literally half that husband’s lifetime and who you’ve known since you were a gawky teenager and she was barely out of puppyhood has only a few weeks left, it’s hard to think about food and nutrition.

I’ll be back when I can.



  1. Dear Jessie and Pete,
    I’m sorry to hear about your doggle. Take care.

  2. I feel like I know you and Peter, so this just brought a tear to my eye, and goosebumps all over. Stay strong. And try to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Give Peter a big ol’ hug form all your blogger friends!

  3. Sending you positive vibes & healing thoughts to you, your husband and the lovely dog! I’ve lost my dog, too, when I started college – I got her when I was 8 years old.

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