Check out these posts for nutrition info in a hurry!
Breakfast and Weight Loss: The Facts
Three Tips for Eating Healthy While Pregnant
What is Clean Eating?
Lactose Intolerant? Two Nutrients to Watch
How to Stay Healthy While Flying
The Story of Chocolate
Nutty Nutrition (All About Nuts)
How to build a good breakfast
Five Ways to Boost Your Immune System
The lowdown on MyPlate
How should I eat?
What IS a portion, anyway?
The FOUR things you need to know for healthy living
Lactose intolerance and getting the nutrients you need
Should you eat a “bad” breakfast or no breakfast?
What you should know about olive oil
Say it again, people: everything in moderation (a.k.a. nutrition tidbits re: agave nectar and high-fructose corn syrup)
Why I eat a Brazil nut (nearly) every day (i.e. selenium rocks!)
NO WHOLE NO GO: Whole grains for whole health
Should I be eating organic?
Fish oil and omega-3 fats for heart health
A few of my educational pamphlets are listed below. Let me know if you’d like to see them without the watermark.
DASH: Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (trifold pamphlet)
Celiac Disease and a gluten-free diet (8-page booklet)
5 Ways to Manage Type 1 Diabetes (good tips for Type II Diabetes as well – single sheet):