happy jessie
Hello, dear reader! So glad you stopped by!

Name: Jessie
Occupation: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Mom: Of one Of two Of three.
Favorite Foods: These three.
Any FAQs? Sure.
It’s my first time here. Help? You’re in luck! Check it.
I began The Happiness in Health in early 2010 as a way to dive into the nutrition world while working toward my RD. Since then, I’ve met so many amazing people and worked with companies committed to happy and healthy (hey, that sounds familiar!)
My passion? Helping YOU find your happy and healthy.

I’m a registered dietitian nutritionist, which means I have a four-year degree in dietetics and completed 1200 hours of hands-on training in REAL nutrition. I counsel people on weight loss, diabetes management, eating for energy, picky eating, menu planning, and more. I develop recipes for companies and menus for schools and residential centers. I have a soft spot for working with grocery stores to engage customers and help them appreciate the deliciousness of a new fruit or vegetable. I have a BS in dietetics from the University of Connecticut, an MBA from Willamette University, and a BA in physics from Amherst College. (How did that last one get in there? Now you know.) Finally, if I write any more sentences starting with the word “I,” I will turn redder than a beet (incidentally, an excellent veggie), so I’ll stop.
Want to know more? Check out THIH’s super popular “Day in the Life of Dietitian” series.
What can a registered dietitian do for you? This and this and this.
Like to talk to a registered dietitian? Find an RD here. Or chat with me.

Peter and I have been together for 21 years and married for 15.5 years. We met in Amherst, MA and have since lived in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Illinois, Oregon, California, and Florida. We’ve traveled around the world and never lost our luggage.
I’d call that pretty darn special.

In 2015, our son Baby J was born. We’ve decided not to post pictures of him online. Why? Read here and here.
In 2018, our daughter Baby E was born. Toddler J is getting used to the new arrival. (And, yes, both kids inherited their dad’s hair.)
In 2020, our daughter Baby H was born. We discovered we could use about 840391 more hands. Kid J and Toddler E are thrilled about having a new sibling to play with while they’re home 24/7. Why is one of the kids upside down? Because that’s 100% what life is like with three young kids during a global pandemic.
Little Madeline is a Norfolk terrier who was our constant companion for years. Read about a day in her life here.
Check out these posts!
The MOST Popular Posts
The Original Update Your Plate
The Five Stages of Becoming a Dietitian
A Day in the Life of a Clinical Dietitian
Jessie, RD
The Always and the Sometimes
Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt Treats (for dogs)
Jessie Gets Personal
Why It’s Okay to Hate Exercise
A Weighty Matter
Going Back to School for My MBA
28 Things I’ve Learned in 28 Years
The Life List
Six Lies and a Truth (and the reveal)
Five Things Series
Five Things I’m Loving Lately
Five Things with which I am Moderately Pleased
The Five Most Surprising Things about New Parenthood
The Five Most Surprising Things about Pregnancy
Five Ways to Re-envision Yourself in the New Year
Five Things I’ve Learned this Autumn
Five Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Five Cookbooks Series
My Five Most Influential Cookbooks
Peter’s Five Most Influential Cookbooks