Peanut Butter, Cheese, and Chocolate

I thought it appropriate that I begin with my favorite foods. First up is the widespread favorite: peanut butter.

From the wonderful Saratoga Peanut Butter Company.

While I happily slurp down natural peanut butter in all its grittiness, this stuff is as smooth as it gets. For those who grew up on Jif or Skippy (like me), this PB is the closest I’ve found to that buttery texture, but the only ingredients are peanuts and salt. No palm oil (aka saaaaaturated fat) or high-fructose corn syrup.

I use cheese to give my food a lot of flavor with just a little sprinkle (or shred, slice, whatever):

This extra sharp sage cheddar is one of my favorites.

This cheddar, from Sugarbush Farm in Woodstock, VT, is a perfect example of tons of flavor in a little package. I shred this on salads, veggie burgers, soup, sandwiches, anything. I don’t need a lot to put a smile on my face.

Another ubiquitous favorite:

Crisp and dark.

A piece of this after lunch or dinner is richer than any other dessert I can think of. For those interested, this is a bar of Valrhona Guanaja Grué 70%.

These are foods I have nearly every day. Yes, they are high in fat, but they aren’t forbidden foods. Having just a little of each every day is a wonderful treat that I savor. By keeping my portions small, I enjoy the flavor without worrying about the saturated fat. Besides, I’ve definitely overdone it on the PB and felt pretty bad afterward. Lesson learned.


    1. Skippy Natural isn’t too bad, even though it has palm oil.

      You may find that your Skippy Chock-Full-of-Trans-Fats PB is missing in the pantry later …

  1. Yay!! I’m so glad you like our peanut butter! 😀
    The creamy organic and chunky are some of my favorites, the base is like silk! If you need recommendations for any other flavors, let me know.
    I love your blog, by the way!

    1. I am what I eat 🙂

  2. Pingback: Short and Sweet
  3. Hahaha, I liked your response to Peter’s comment. I need to learn so much more from you on what are good fats and what are bad fats. I’m sure I’m consuming more of the latter though *blush*. I really wished I wasn’t allergic to peanut butter cause it really is tres yummy. And I’ve tried almond butter but just am not a big fan of it. Oh wellz.

  4. PS
    it was really nice to read your very first post Jessie. I appreciate you linking back here so that I can read it w/o looking like a crazy stalker woman. Lol.

  5. Fantastic job for a first post. Certainly was a precursor of things to come.

    Have a wonderful day!

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