Monday Munchies, Part 9 … Sort Of
Around 7:30 last night, Peter brought up a good point.
The Woes of the Dietitian
Act 1, Scene 1
THIH Kitchen
Jessie: [Pauses, aghast, in the middle of doing something too awesome to mention] Hark! I forgot to take pictures of a day of eats for Monday Munchies, Part 9!
Peter: [Leans casually against the kitchen counter like a super-suave Iron Chef] You know, I always found that confusing.
Jessie: What?
Peter: You call it Monday Munchies, but the pictures are from every day BUT Monday.
Jessie: [folds arms] … and? You got a point, Mr. I-only-say-what-I-mean?
Peter: I’m only saying … wait, why are you holding that butcher knife above my head? Your stage direction didn’t say anything about you holding a butcher knife! Oh, gracious Jessie, I bow to your–
Jessie: [Most definitely NOT holding a butcher knife, grins]: I will take your suggestion under consideration.
End scene.
As you may have guessed, I don’t have a full day of Monday Munchies this week due to absentmindedness. I do have everything I ate today up until lunch, which I’ll post below (an actual Monday Munchy). As for whether I should change the name “Monday Munchies” … what do you think, dear reader? I could:
(1) Keep it the way it is, with random days’ eats featured every Monday, confused Peter be darned.
(2) Actually feature a Monday’s eats every Monday Munchy (I originally varied the days to show differences in how I eat on weekdays vs. weekends, etc.)
(3) Feature the random day’s eats on that day (e.g. Tuesday Tidbits, Wednesday … Wibbles?)
(4) Scrap it all. It’s lame, Jessie!
Anyhow, a partial Monday Munchy:
Breakfast, 8:30 am:
Smoothie with slightly-thawed frozen strawberries, 1/2 banana, Greek yogurt, raw oats, chia seeds, water, and apparently enough raw spinach to turn this smoothie a lovely shade of pale green. Unpictured: spoonful peanut butter, straight from the jar.
I tried to make a “J” out of Rice Krispies on the top of the smoothie. What do you think?
Perhaps I should stick to writing with ketchup.
I also enjoyed a cup of Yorkshire Gold tea with skim milk. I buy Yorkshire Gold in bulk from Amazon and store it in this airtight jar to keep it fresh:
Lunch, 12:30 pm:
Leftover mapo doufu (you can find the recipe here) with turmeric-cardamom brown rice, carrots, and mini bell peppers.
As I wrote yesterday in my meal planning post, we will be making curry chicken salad tonight (recipe is here – phew, that one’s a THIH oldie!). And that’s all!
Before I sign off: for everyone living in the path of Hurricane Sandy – stay safe! I can’t believe it’s almost exactly one year since the last major storm (a snowstorm) in Connecticut knocked out power for a week. It feels strange not to be in CT for this storm, but I’m glad we’re not because our old place was two steps from an easily flooded river!
Q: What should be the fate of Monday Munchies? Pick a letter, any letter! As long as it’s A, B, C, or D 😉
Love how colorful your plate is – so vibrant 😀
I’m all for 1/2/3 (or ABC) but option 4 is unacceptable! Munchies must stay 😉
lol Lucy! 😛