Peter Picked a Peck of … Peaches??
Well, maybe not a PECK of peaches, but quite a lot. That man can pick ’em.
This past weekend, we stopped by Lyman Orchards to fill our peach coffers. The weather was HOT, but there’s nothing like standing in the shade of a cool peach tree to relieve the heat (well, air-conditioning also works, but you work with what ya got).

What do you think? A peachy complexion?
We picked pounds and pounds of peaches with the intention of making peach preserves before I start school, but … yeah. Not yet. Maybe next week.
Speaking of school – tomorrow, I begin my final year of school. Again. A year from now, I’ll be able to add “RD” after my name 😀 Which brings me to my next bit: with the start of school, plus work, I will be slowing down my posts. Regular readers can already tell I’ve been posting less frequently in recent months, and this change will only continue with the start of a new school year. I love writing posts, but I have several personal projects cooking and I don’t want to shortchange them.
So, for now, I’ll be posting less frequently – maybe once a week? We’ll see. No pressure on my end – I’ll post when I can … and when I want to.
Thanks for understanding everyone! I appreciate each and every one of you who read THIH 🙂 I hope my absences will not be too long.
Q: Do you like peaches? How do you like to enjoy peaches? Grilled? Cobbler-ed? Or fresh?
Mmmmmmmmm, peaches!! Oh how I love them so!! 🙂 I enjoy them most sliced up fresh! But I’ll eat them anyway – grilled, in a pie, in a cobbler, in oats, muffins, on top of pancakes, etc.!! 🙂
I totally understand about needing to slow down with blogging. I had cut down to about twice a week and even that is becoming too much for me… I might have to cut down to once also. The beginning of school (whether student or teacher) is crazy busy!!!! Love ya, good luck with school!! 🙂 One more year, awesome!!!!!
Ooh you lucky girl! There is nothing like a juicy peach in the summer!
I didn’t realize you were SO close to being done with school. Seriously girl that is SO exciting. Enjoy every moment of this time. Post-graduate is definitely eye-opening, changing and wonderful but school gives you so many opportunities to do so much more than learn!!
I’ve been loving peaches lately! I made a pie today that will maybe get posted depending on how the pictures turned out. Picking them yourself must be so much fun!
Oy. School. yuck. I start tomorrow also. I weaned myself down to blogging just three days a week down from every other day and I think I’m going to stick to that…but we shall see! I’ll miss you!
Lovely peach complexion! Best of luck with your schooling. I can certainly understand about other projects taking up the blogging time. I am working on some myself.
Be Good!
Good luck with your first day of school tomorrow. How exciting that this will be your last year and you will be an RD!
Your complexion is way peachier than the peach!
Hello Jessie! Long time no see 🙁 I’m trying to work out of a funk I’ve been in lately. Anyways hoping to be around more…well when you have a chance to post anyways 🙂
Stopped by mainly to let you know I won my Bigstridea contest! Thanks for voting I appreciate it very much. I’ll let you know when I get the new blog up chronicling my 40 races.
By the way I ate 12 peaches on Friday….they were that good 🙂
You’re too cute Jessie! I loved the title for this post. It made me giggle like a little girl for some reason, maybe the tongue twister? I don’t know, I’m wierd :-D. And the peachy complexion? Uh, peachy and perfect might I add! I’d be thrilled if I had such perfect complexion as you. Really, you smile and your whole face seems to glow.
One more year of schooling! I’m so happy for you!!!!!! I can definitely understand you posting less frequently. You do what you have to do girl, blogging will always be here. When I first started blogging, I wanted to post everyday. No way that was going to happen with two monkeys by my side all day. So then I tried 3 times a week, which I don’t think happened. So I went with 2 and now feel comfortable at once a week. Blogging is a hobby I enjoy, not a job. With that said, it’s quite easy to get all wrapped up in it. I don’t know how some people can keep up with blogging everyday. Huge kudos to them.
I like peaches I guess. I mean, I don’t hate them, and I don’t love them. So I guess that leaves “like”. I like to eat them fresh. But they have to be somewhat on the firm side. I’m not a huge fan of soft peaches, although I do admit they’re sweeter. Hope you had a great hiking trip and a lovely weekend with your peach picker 😉
I have never been peach picking, but I can’t eat them (FODMAPs diet…) so it would be such a tease if I did! I really love peaches and it’s been really hard having to give them up, especially now that’s it’s summer. I love peaches in my ice cream, but not peach ice cream (strange, right?!). I also love peach cobbler!
No worries about posting less frequently. It’s your last year of school and it’s an important one! I have slowed down my posting too and I’ll tell you, it’s been nice. I don’t stress about blogging at all, I just post twice a week and it’s perfect.
I’m right there with ya on the “back to school = less posts” bit!
GOOD LUCK on your first week of your final year! Exciting! 🙂
I like peaches a lot, usually fresh. I wish we had peaches here in the trees, I would love to go picking them 🙂
We went peach picking this summer also. I was highly disappointed in the crop, though.
I love love love peaches. Fresh and grilled are terrific. Also my favorite pie is peach blueberry.
Fruit picking is so much fun! I have such a hard time stopping when I see fruit on the trees (even if I have a few bushels’ worth already picked, lol!). I hope you had a wonderful first day at school!
I LOVE peaches but lately the ones have been getting have not been real flavorful.
I am going to attempt a dish my coworker made with chickpeas, peaches, and tomatoes. I am sure I will be posting about it, good or bad.
I`m on my fourth basket of peaches this season!
Ah, I totally understand things getting busy and all…just don’t abandon us altogether please! >__<
Hee hee, LOVE the pic of you comparing your face to the peach. I think one is cute, the other tasty! 😉
I love a big scoop of vanilla ice cream with fresh peaches on top – YUM!
Good luck with the start of school! 🙂
There is nothing like picking your own, is there? But, finding that ripe succulent sweet and juicy peach – even when picking your own, is not easy anymore. Too much genetic engineering. There is nothing like a good one, though!
Good for you!
Ooooh, what beautiful pictures! The epitome of Summer 🙂 I love peaches, usually I just eat them nice and fresh and juicy! I don’t think I’ve ever tried peach cobbler but I’d certainly like to.
It’s so exciting that it’s your last year of school! You’re almost at the finish line, hooray! Good luck on your brand new year! I will read all your posts, no matter how frequent or infrequent 🙂 I haven’t posted in aaaages, but I’m planning on returning to it soon now that vacation time is almost over.
That peach has got nothing on you 😉
Love peaches and those are some mighty fine looking specimens 🙂 Glad you have just a year left of school. Go girl!!
I like peaches as they are, really, really cold, or in cobblers.
i just smiled HUGE when i saw that you went to lyman orchards. of course, that is where i went during my wesleyan days!!! never went peach picking, though….
You’ll have to stop by at your next reunion and get some yummy fruit! 😉
Curious to see how you will preserve them. It is not easy to find a lovely peach any more, like everything else – they get more bland through genetic engineering. I prefer them peeled and frozen with a simple syrup. Canning is nice, too – but takes a LOT more space.
Canning DOES take a lot of space 😛 We actually canned these last fall – and we’re still enjoying the harvest! 🙂