Short and Sweet
Guess what guys! Exactly six months ago, I wrote my very first post on The Happiness in Health! Check out my first post here (nice job changing the default website address, Jessie).
How to celebrate? How about some Black Forest Oatmeal?
Hot oatmeal with fresh cherries and chocolate chips. And walnuts and shredded coconut, just ’cause. No liquor, of course. Hey, just because I ate a liquor-soaked breakfast once doesn’t mean I’m going to have it again. Goodness, people.
Cherries are in season here in the Northeast U.S. until the end of August, so check out your local Farmers’ Market for cherries and other great fresh fruits and veggies. If you live in the United States, visit Local Harvest to find your local Farmers’ Markets, farmstands, CSA, etc. For those of you with kids, take a look at the Captain 5 A Day website for some fun fruit and veggie games and activities. (Incidentally, Captain 5 A Day was created through a collaboration between my university and the Connecticut Department of Health – so I may be a little biased 😉 ).
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Happy 1/2 year blogging!! 🙂 You blog like you’ve been doing it for years… I love your blog so much!! 🙂 Your black forest oatmeal looks good!!!!!! Love the puppy pic! 😉
Happy 6-month blog anniversary! 🙂
Congratulations! I greatly enjoy your marvellous blog 🙂 That oatmeal is very inventive – I love the vibrant colour of the cherries. My fridge is stuffed with bags of cherries right now, but I have to be sooo careful – I tend to eat too many and then get a stomachache. So lately I’ve been avoiding the all together, which is not such a great solution. This happens to me every Summer with pretty much all berries, sigh. Enjoy your weekend Jessie!
Hey Jessie!
Happy 6 months blogaversary (did I spell that right? Whatever). I enjoyed reading your very first post. I think I may go back to every blog I stalk and read everyone’s first post when I have the time. Yes, I’m going to be super stalkerish like that and am not afraid to admit it.
Your Black Forest Oatmeal is such a cool idea. Kudos to you for the creativity my friend. You know, you’re going to be a great mom one day cause you come up with such fun food ideas that both adults and kids would love.
Thank you for that Captain 5 A Day link. I just checked it out and they had some pretty cool stuff on there. I like the cooking tips page. Will check out the rest with the kiddies when I have more time. Hopa you have a great weekend as well Jessie 😀
Happy 6th month :))
Love the black forest oats!
Is it 6 months already?! How time flies when you’re reading such a good blog! Congrats Jessie!! 🙂 🙂
Ohh I love the look of those cherries!! This breakfast is enough to make your day not only because it looks delicious but also because it looks beautiful as well!!
Has it only been 6 months that you’ve been writing your blog? I feel like I’ve been enjoying your posts for so much longer!
Breakfast looks great…such a nice way to celebrate!
Have a great weekend Jessie…
6 months of some of the best posts I’ve read! 🙂 You’re going to make an awesome RD.
This oatmeal sounds fabulous. I’ve been making some crazy oatmeal creations at my hotel. They provide the oatmeal and I add all my extra stuff. I get some strange stares sometimes, hehe. Oh well! They’re missing out.
Happy half a year babe! Here’s to many more.
Oh I’ve been inhaling cherries lately. Unfortunately not in Black Forest form…need to fix that. Imminently. have a great weekend!
yay 6 months! love your very creative oatmeal
black forest oatmeal!!! just like the cake but in oatie form!! now that is extra genius!! YUM YUM
Ok, that looks great. I ate a chocolate cherry yogurt today that had a mix in cherry sauce. It was yummy. Thanks for the website link, I can use that with my students.
What a healthy breakfast and looks great!
Congrats on 6 months of blogging! I didn’t realize you have only been doing it for 6 months. You are a blogging pro!
That oatmeal looks amazing!
Great news on your blog. I have very much enjoyed reading it. Wishing you much more blog fulfillment in the future. Love the oatmeal dish. It looks fantastic. Great job spreading the word about local harvest and CSA…gotta support our local growers.
Happy 6 month Blogiversary!
Jessie, you have me totally inspired with your oats! I am counting down the hours until breakfast when I can copy your black forest oats! Genius!
No way!! Only 6 months? I feel like you’ve been here forever! Well, I feel like I have been here forever, too! Funny how easily we immerse ourselves into a virtual world, huh?
Happy anniversary! I think it’s always interesting to read peoples’ first posts…and compare it with their posting now. Especially if they have been blogging for a long time…because people grow and change so much. They change their writing styles and sometimes they go in a completely different direction. Or sometimes they don’t. I think your first post is very much you and I enjoyed reading it.
That breakfast looks to die for!
Here’s to another 6 months of your fabulousness.
Haha…I love that you started writing with peanut butter, cheese, and chocolate. Those foods are truly daily staples! 😉
Happy 6 month blogiversary!!! You really do blog like you’ve been doing this forever. I’m impressed. 🙂 You know I love your blog and I’m looking forward to the next 6 months of your posts!
Also, that black forest oatmeal looks amazing. Cherries in oats isn’t a combination I’ve thought of before!
Black forest oatmeal? That’s BRILLIANT, Jessie. It’s almost awesome enough to make me NOT cringe at the sight of another oatmeal bowl! Just kidding. I didn’t cringe at ALL at yours. 🙂
Happy half-a-versary! 🙂 I’m just about nearing my one-year mark…er, that is, if I keep on submitting posts. Ha! You blog with sass and sophistication–definitely with much more maturity than I did at 6 months, at least! 🙂
Captain 5 a Day looks FUN! 🙂
What I really, really, want to know, however, is why Joyce Erwin McVay has your display picture? Are you gals related? These are questions I desire answers for…
xo Aletheia
Happy anniversary!! 🙂
Black Forrest Oatmeal is a brilliant marketing strategy ROFL JUST KIDDNG!!! I love oatmeal, with or without the gorgeous berries and the swish name 😉
Happy Anniversary Jessie – I would never have guessed you’ve only been doing this for half a year!!! You come across like such a pro!!!
P/S LeQuan, PLEASE DON’T go back and read my maiden post PLEASE!!! 😀
Hmmm, Jessie, do you have an identical twin sister who has an identical twin camera to yours?!?
Congrats. Since I never went back to the start I as well was giving you credit for doing this for much longer than you have!