Snow Day, Take II

Remember this day? No sign of snow until the afternoon, yet school canceled first thing the morning?

Well, this scene met my eyes this morning when I woke up:

And later on, this:

My school did NOT close, but my teaching experience was canceled. After psyching myself up for it and getting all my materials and wits together, I was a little disappointed. But, I was grateful to stay inside, especially after hearing sirens all morning from various wrecks. I was gnawing my fingernails the whole time Peter was driving to and from school.

I took advantage of the free time to work on some assignments. Finally finished my Nutrition Care Plan for this week, although it’s still in rough shape. Oh well, I’ll improve.

Maddie loved the snow, too. She bounded like a gazelle, for the snow was over her legs:

When I brought her back inside, I discovered that she had picked up a few snowballs:

Just call her the snow pollinator.

I spent the next five minutes pulling these out of her hair:

I’m counting this as good practice for when we have kids.

Of course, as soon as she was free from the torment of clinging snowballs, Maddle hopped up on my desk and settled herself on the cushion I’d set up for her, leaving trails of water in her wake.

Yes, I gave her a red velvet cushion to lay on. You can’t spoil a dog, right?

As Peter very kindly made dinner, I studied for tomorrow’s Counseling and Teaching test, pausing only to admire his newest project:

That’s right – he made this, too. It’s a vegetable knife, which is why it’s rectangular. He cut out and ground down the knife itself, and now he’s looking for a place to heat-treat it before he sharpens and designs a handle for it. I’m so amazed that this is his first knife. My husb got talent!

I’m going to refrain from showing you his kitchen knife collection, because I don’t want to scare off the few readers I do have. 😛 But, let me say this: if he had any more kitchen knives, we might have to get official papers for our knife “business”. Hey, he uses those knives to cook me some delicious food!

Dinner was spicy tuna noodle casserole with sauteed kale.

With my omega 3 and vitamin D pills on the left.

(NB: My dinner is on a nine-inch plate. Helps keep portions the right size.)

For those interested, the tuna noodle recipe is here:

Peter added double the amount of tuna, as well as a sprinkle each of sweet paprika and chili powder. The tuna had a nice kick, but wasn’t too spicy.

He sauteed the kale with olive oil and garlic, and finished it with a splash of good balsamic vinegar:

While he was cutting up the kale, Maddie stole a leaf and ran off to chew in peace:

Well, at least she’s eating her leafy greens.

Off to study!


  1. She hops more like a cricket. And is a wimp like one to boot.

    1. Ha! How many wimpy crickets do YOU know, huh? HUH?

  2. Thanks so much for your comment on my blog, Jessie! 🙂

    I’ve loved reading yours as well – and I am seriously impressed with the industriousness and ingenuity of your husband! haha!

    I’ve added you to my reader and I look forward to reading more of your life (I am definitely intrigued by the idea of nutrition school) and foods (that casserole looks delish!!).


    1. Haha, I’m impressed with him, too!

  3. A kale-eating dog? Can I adopt him? he’s such a sweetie! Hee hee!

    1. Haha, I’ve caught her eating lettuce and zucchini, too. I must be doing something right!

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