The Best Excuse for Making Cornbread

I used to make cornbread a lot when I was growing up. I would eat hunks of the golden stuff with slices of cheese and gobs of jam, sometimes all at once. Occasionally, I would take a bite that tasted bitter because I hadn’t mixed the baking soda in well enough.

So, when Peter declared that he was smoking Cornish hens, I immediately formulated a cornbread-sage stuffing that would form the centerpiece of perfect accompaniment to the meal. We cooked this meal weeks ago, but I saved it to share with you while I’m in China.

Whipping up the cornbread:

I really beat the crap out of the batter because I was determined not to have baking soda “nuggets” in my cornbread.

Ok, enough ogling of my perfect cornbread 🙂 Let’s look at the whole meal!

On-The-Fly Simple Sage Cornbread Stuffing

Cornbread, crumbled
Fresh sage, torn into pieces (try to use fresh if possible – much better than dried)
Flake salt, a generous pinch
Good fruity olive oil

Directions: Combine first three ingredients. Drizzle olive oil on top. Enjoy.

Can I get an Easy Button for this?

All together:

Q: Do you like cornbread? What’s the best accompaniment to cornbread? As I mentioned before, I’m partial to jam and cheese 🙂

P.S. I am returning to the U.S. on July 1st and I plan on taking a mini break from THIH for a few days to enjoy my time at home. I know you understand 🙂


  1. i had cornbread stuffing once before and it was the best stuffing i ever had! otherwise im not a big cornbread fan, the taste/consistency is weird to me. but in a stuffing with sage and onions and some pepper all melted with butter.. mmm <3

  2. I love love love cornbread 🙂 I don’t know exactly why, but it’s like the epitome of comfort food for me, yum yum. I like sprinkling cornmeal into various baked goods too 🙂 And now I want to eat a cornmeal muffin 🙂

  3. Your cornbread looks fantastic! My favorite way to eat cornbread is with a little butter. 🙂

    Welcome home!!!

  4. Hey Jessie! How time flies, I can’t believe you are coming back already! I feel I just said goodbye to you.
    hope you enjoyed your time in China! and enjoy your break ~

  5. Holy smokes, how did I miss this post? Anyways, so glad you made it home safe and sound. I’ll bet you’re missing some things in China but definitely not the heat huh? Hope you had a great time in HK with your aunt as well. Can’t wait to hear about that. Your cornbread looks so good. Love that you made stuffing out of it and paired it with Peter’s Cornish hens. You guys are such a great team! That dinner looks absolutely delicious!

  6. What a beautiful meal. You are lucky your other half loves to cook – is Peter your other half? I am enjoying your travel posts immensely – but this is a good idea, too!

    1. He sure is! I’m lucky to have a husband who loves to cook, and cooks superbly! 🙂

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