The Luckiest Gal in the World

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…is me, of course!

I’m grateful every day that I’m married to this gentleman:

He can cook like none other:

He plays an awesome game of golf:

He always gets his potassium:

He makes weddings fun:

(Well, fun-NER. Weddings are pretty fun as is 🙂 )

And, he enjoys a good loaf of bread:

Yep, he’s a pretty great guy.

[By Chuck May Photography]

Of course, some eating went on today. I think today was the first day I actually took pictures of everything I ate. Not that I strive to do so, but apparently everything I ate today was noteworthy.

Have you ever heard of wattleseed?

It’s an Australian seed that tastes like a combination of chocolate, hazelnut, and coffee. It actually does! We first encountered it at Restaurant on20, on beignets. Since then, Peter has been searching high and low for it. His father gave him the bottle featured above for Christmas, and since then we’ve been sprinkling it on our oatmeal.

The wattleseed adds a wonderful toasted chocolate flavor to the oatmeal. Of course, I had a spoonful of almond butter from my favorite nut butter company:

Saratoga PB Company, tell me your secrets!

Lunch was turkey, lettuce, sage cheddar, and Durkee’s on whole grain raisin bread.

What is Durkee’s, you ask?

This spread is a bit calorie-dense, but a little goes a long way. I normally don’t put cheese on my sandwiches because I don’t taste it, but this sage cheddar is so flavorful that it really makes the whole sandwich.

While studying up a storm for my tests and presentation next week, I took a break for my mid-afternoon snack: more of that wonderful almond butter and apricot preserves on a rice cake:

Peter made dinner — on the menu were Cornish hens with apricot glaze and wild rice stuffing:

Let’s take a closer look at that stuffing:

I’ve never liked bread stuffing, but this rice stuffing is delicious! I always request it.

Baked squash:

We always say we won’t exchange gifts, but we always do anyway. I got Peter this book. We can look forward to some awesome Chinese recipes in the near future! Peter got me this:

This man knows what I like <3

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!


  1. Where was that first picture taken?

    You can put wattleseed on my birthday present list!

    1. The first picture was taken at Sand Dune National park — recognize it? hehe

  2. Hey, I thought I was the luckiest gal in the world… 😉 Seriously though, being in love sure does make you always feel like the lucky one. So glad you found a good guy. He sure is a lucky guy!! 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day to you two!! 🙂

  3. Was the picture of Pete at the wedding from my wedding?? The girl in the background looks like my friend Chrissie! Yes, I am trying to catch up on days missed from your blog. I am spying on you and Pete. I also want to commission him to make me a knife.

    1. It sure was! Come over sometime and peruse our knives 🙂

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