Why I Knit

Because …

in the midst of never-ending life projects and indeterminate finish lines, knitting gives me a sense of accomplishment.

A Victorian cowl
A Victorian cowl
and matching demi-mitts, both well-loved.
and matching demi-mitts, both well-loved.

Because …

knitting shows me utility and beauty can co-exist.

Ruffle washcloth
Ruffle washcloth

Because …

knitting teaches me how to make fast choices and stick with them for the long haul.


Because …

knitting shows me I can make mistakes and move on. No one is perfect.



Because …

other than the basic knit and purl stitches, I taught myself how to knit from scratch, including how to do this


and that tells me I can do just about anything.


Because …

knitting helps me see the beauty in the most mundane.



Because …

my spirits lift whenever I look at my favorite pieces.



To all the knitters out there: Happy knitting!


P.S. “What happened to your yarn stash??”


I guess I’ll just have to go buy more yarn.


  1. It’s definitely so great to have a hobby in your life that just makes you feel good! And gets those endorphins flowing. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Dixya! 🙂

  2. This made me grin from ear to ear. I don’t knit, but my aunt does, and I hope she can teach me soon. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Beautiful! Having a baby nephew has really inspired me to take up my needles again, although at present I’m stuck and need an expert’s assistance, as my directions are insufficient. Good for you to teach yourself all those beautiful stitches!

    1. Thanks, Marie! I always love your scarves 🙂 That’s a bummer about the bad directions – which pattern is it? Your nephew will look dashing in it, I’m sure!

      1. The problem is that I need to increase and can’t remember how. I looked it up in my book and tried the first way, which went awry and led to holes. I can’t make heads or tails of the other explanation. Mike suggested I look it up on Youtube. I’ll send you a picture after it’s done – if it ends up as cute as I think it will. 🙂

        After I saw your picture Monday night I was trying to think what a cowl would look like on a person, and then I saw a student wearing one yesterday and another today! I was entertained.

        1. I’ve had so much trouble with increases! My knitting used to be riddled with holes until I learned how to do an RL1. This video was super helpful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMMAJZoN_JQ

          Yes, send a picture when you’re done! I can’t wait to see it 🙂

  4. Love this!! I am still working on my first scarf…it might take awhile 😉 The Victorian cowl and demi-mitts are so elegant and dainty – just lovely 🙂

  5. Wow, that is a beautiful pink sweater. My grandmom was really into knitting and she really tried to teach me too. No such luck. Amazing that you taught yourself.

  6. Pretty. Have to get bak to knitting maybe it will be the next hobby to cycle back in I’ve been felting lately.

  7. I so wish I could get into knitting considering my mom is amazing at it, but I could never pick it up. However, I’ve been thinking about maybe trying again because it seems like such a great way to de-stress.

    1. There’s an unofficial Downton Abbey knits book coming out soon. If I get it, I’ll totally knit you something 😉

      1. Shut the front door! That’s awesome.
        I wonder what kind of things they’d have in it. Tom Branson’s argyle socks? The Dowager’s shawl? Mrs. Patmore’s tea cozy?

        1. If I find out, I’ll let you know!

  8. In that picture of you and the needles your expression is exactly the same as the one Peter usually has in his pics! 😀 😀

    Knitting must be super-relaxing! I confess my mum tries to teach me but I was just not interested. I love the things you made though! And the cowl and mitts looks amazing, I love both the colour and the pattern, and also how warm they must be 🙂

    1. Haha! Is it really?? I guess we pick up on a lot from each other 😛 Thanks for your sweet words 🙂

  9. Wow, Jessie, that’s a beautiful Victorian cowl! I saw a young lady knitting during a crowded train ride in Buenos Aires – she was making a dark cowl with buttons and that reminds me of your post! Btw, you are a very gorgeous lady, I envy your lovely eyebrows!

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