WIC and Sushi

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Our internship at WIC was so interesting! I was unsure of what to expect going in because I didn’t know a lot about the program. For those of you who don’t know, WIC is a nationwide program developed by the USDA to give food (through checks/vouchers) and nutrition education to low-income pregnant mothers, children, and breastfeeding women. I was able to sit in on about half a dozen counseling sessions with WIC families as the staff dietitians talked with them about their diet and about the program. These ladies are incredible. This job takes a lot of energy, and the dietitians had enough energy and to spare. They’re very committed to the well-being of the WIC clients.

I was surprised at the diversity of WIC participants – some of the women were just like me! Many of them were so appreciative of the help they were receiving from WIC. I can imagine that this job is very rewarding. I’m not an office person at all, but I could see myself working in a WIC office for a while.

I love my program – what a great way to see what the dietetics field is like! 🙂

I knew I was going to be gone all day today, so I got up early this morning and did a fast version of my favorite interval workout on the apartment treadmill. I set the incline to 1.5 and ran the following sequence:

5 min at 6.5
1 min at 8.5
4 min at 6.5
1 min at 9.0
4 min at 6.5
1 min at 9.0
4 min at 6.5
1 min at 9.0
4 min at 6.5
1 min at 8.5
2 min at 6.5
2 min at 3.5

Total: 30 minutes.

I was ravenous when I arrived home from WIC, so I inhaled a rice cake with PB and jam:

Has anyone tried Polaner jam?
I love the fact that it’s all-fruit, but it tastes so bland! Maybe I’m just used to the corn-syrup-heavy brands I grew up on?

Check out the Aerogarden growth!

On this rainy evening, Peter and I headed into New Haven to meet our good friend Christine for dinner at Samurai Japanese Restaurant. I started with some miso soup:

Peter and I split a sushi/sashimi platter:

Look at this cute soy sauce pot!

I ate most of the platter myself because Peter also had this:

Oh, to be a guy. Or, at least to have a guy’s appetite 🙂

Normally, I like to curl up at home on a rainy evening, but it was nice to get out, see friends, and eat some good food. How about you? Do you like to stay in or go out on a rainy night?

P.S: I got a Twitter account so that I can share interesting and relevant articles about food and nutrition without cluttering up the posts. Check them out in the sidebar!


    1. I’m glad to hear that you found it rewarding, too! 🙂

  1. Yay, I’m glad you enjoyed WIC!
    I usually just like to stay indoors on a rainy day…but once on a rainy day, my friend kind of “forced” me out to have lunch with her. I scowled, but I ended up enjoying my time with friends anyway! haha!

    1. Haha! That’s what friends are for, right? 🙂

  2. You guys lead such a fun life! I love it!

    I grew up and lived most of my life in Vancouver, where it rains ALL THE TIME. So, you kind of get used to “life as usual” in the rain. However, since moving to Ontario for my MA, I’ve totally been following the trend and hibernating indoors whenever the rain/snow hits. It’s nice to be cozy and only *hear* rain, haha. That said, going out with friends is a great “pick-up” from the dreariness of the weather.

    1. I love hearing rain on the roof, too 🙂

  3. have you tried crofter’s superfruit spread? their ingredients are pretty minimal and tasty!

    1. I’ll look into it – thanks!

  4. That sushi looks amazing! I’m so glad I got to live in Japan because, among other things, the experienced introduced me to sushi! I love it.

    I love to stay inside while it’s raining and hear the rain patter on the windows as I do something relaxing, like crocheting or reading or taking a bath. Thunderstorms I LOVE. If I weren’t so horrible with math, I’d have looked into meteorology in college. I love to track any bad weather coming my way, and when it’s here, I like to watch it and/or be outside in it.

  5. Wow, I guess I misspelled my first name. I never did like it…

    1. Mel, I LOVE your name 🙂

    1. Me too! This wet, cold weather in the North East now is a real cheer-killer :/

  6. I’m glad you had a good experience at WIC! My experience was not as great, and the office I interned at didn’t have a single RD 🙁 My current clinic has a WIC office, but they are a separate entity from the rest of the operations here. Neither of the WIC ladies here are RD’s either. Kinda sad!

    I hate rain! I stay in! In college when it was raining, I didn’t go to class!

    1. I’m so surprised to hear that your WIC office has no RDs! I wonder who’s giving the nutrition assessments and counseling? It’s too bad how WIC offices tend to be separate from clinics and hospitals 🙁

  7. That is great that you got to shadow dietitians at WIC. What a great learning experience.

    All your food looks great!

    I am normally one who likes to stay in with a blanket and a good book when its raining.

    1. Haha, me too! Al least, I had almost all of it 😛

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