You Are My Inspiration, Part II
Thanks to everyone for their congratulations on my last post! I’m thrilled to be a registered dietitian and I can’t wait to get started in the field. BUT, first things first – finish that Master’s degree, Jessie!
Now, a subject dear to my heart: you! I’ve had many occasions to be inspired by the culinary talents of my fellow bloggers. One of my favorite posts on THIH is a post I wrote a year ago detailing a few of my favorite blogger recipes from Lazaro Cooks and Snacking Squirrel. I’ve made a few more blogger recipes since then, like Denise‘s Apple, Bacon, and Onion Galette and Joanne‘s Nigerian Baked Beans.
Now, I present to you some of the blog recipes I’ve made in recent months:
Beginning with: Steamed Eggs with Silken Tofu and Conpoy (dried scallops) from luvtoeat, as thoroughly enjoyed in my last post:
Next: Chicken Gyros with Tzatziki Sauce from PreventionRD, served with mouth-waterin’ grilled flatbread (why have I never thought of grilling flatbread before??).
The star of this dish is the marinated chicken – tender and flavorful, my dear reader. I’m already dreaming of more grilled flatbread topped with this chicken.
Next: remember my attempt at preparing Faith‘s Rogan Josh way back when? With the recent hot weather, I decided to try a Cherry Cordial from Faith’s blog, An Edible Mosiac:
I didn’t strain the cordial before gulping it down slowly sipping it like a lady because … okay, I was lazy, I admit it! Geez.
I also used the syrup from Faith’s recipe to make raspberry cordial à la Anne of Green Gables (without Anne’s disastrous results!). The cordials were light and not too sweet. Mixed with a little water or seltzer, these cordials will definitely be a summertime regular.
Next up: Pear & Gouda Grilled Cheese from The Ardent Epicure:
We had four kinds of Gouda in our fridge, so naturally I had to use them all. The Goudas ranged from a young Gouda on the lower right, counterclockwise to a crumbly, aged Gouda on the lower left (you never realize how weird the word “Gouda” looks until you use it three times in one sentence):
At first, I though I had messed up the cherry glaze. I mean, look at this!
However, upon tasting the dark, rich syrup, my first thought was, “WOW!” Even Peter, who detests cherries, loved this glaze.
Crisp sweet pear, tart cherry, and creamy Gouda. What a combo.
Finally: Chocolate Pecan Cookies from anecdotes and apple cores.

Sorry, Tollhouse … you ain’t got nothin’ on this cookie! This cookie is hands-down the BEST chocolate chip cookie I’ve ever tasted. I don’t even know how to describe how they’re different – denser and gooey-er, if that makes sense? In any case, I was inhaling these as soon as I pulled them out of the oven. I made these as a fun treat for Peter while he’s studying for the bar, and now he thinks I’m the best wife ever!
(By the way, if you haven’t yet checked out Monet‘s blog, I urge you to do so: she writes some of the most beautiful posts I’ve ever read.)
Blogger recipes in the queue:
Cashew Nut Cookies from I Just Love My Apron
Hot Crossed Buns from A Canadian Foodie
Peach Cookie Pineapple No-Bake Cake from Foodessa (hmm, I can see a definitely dessert trend here … okay, okay, here are some non-dessert items I can’t WAIT to try:)
Yew char kway (a.k.a. you tiao) from Bread Expectations
Tumeric-Infused Quinoa Salad from Teczcape
Have a great week, everyone!
Q: Do you ever try blog recipes? What YOUR favorite blog recipe? I’m looking for even more to try!
RD at work! You have been busy! I don’t know how you find the time with studying and classes…you’re amazing, Jessie, RD! 🙂 And so glad you liked the chicken gyros. Now I want some of that flatbread for breakfast..
Oh wow, that pear and gouda sandwich looks HEAVENLY!! Just yesterday someone was telling me that they thought pear and pesto would taste really great together, with parmesan cheese. I was a little wierded out, but gouda?? YUM!
I love making blogger’s recipes. One blogger I tend to be hooked on is Grace from Food, Fitness Freshair. I’ve made several of her recipes.
I’ll have to check out those recipes – thanks, Gina!
Congrats on passing the exam! I knew you would! Good luck on the rest of the Master’s degree.
Ohhhh Gouda cheese! So many sandwiches of my childhood had this lovely cheese in them! But never try it on pizza, it’s horrible 😀 Cheese and fruit is a lovely combination of course. have I mentioned before my grandfather’s like of eating feta cheese with grapes?
I’m not surprised you liked the chicken gyros *smug*, it’s also very good with a mayo+mustard sauce instead of tzatziki. Add some salad or tomato slices in and you have a perfect little chicken soublaki! Oh how do I miss this stuff…
Gouda on pizza?? I’ve never even thought of it (and I guess I never will, lol). I am definitely trying mayo and mustard on chicken gyros! Have a lovely week, Christa!
Congrats, Jessie! Love the recipes above! May just have to try those cookies 🙂 Check out this blog and recipe: Emily was a past UConn DI student. She hasn’t been blogging as much lately with a busy full time job – but she has some amazing recipes! This is one of my favorites…. kind of tempted to try this stuffing recipe in grilled zucchini….
Thanks, Heather! I’ll definitely check out that blog – it’s nice to see UConn grads out and about in the field! And, I’m always looking for new recipes 🙂 I hope you’re having a nice summer!
What an awesome line-up. You’ve been busy cooking up some good grub. Master’s Degree?! Your tenacity and will to succeed is truly inspiring. Go get it.
By the way, I had to bring the mohawk pic back, you know how I do. It’s in stark contrast to the photo on the right side of this blog, which is smiley and warm.
I love trying other bloggers recipes. That is a lot where I get many of my ideas from.
I am loving the look of those cookies. Yum!
I’m not sure of my favorite recipe, but I make a TON of stuff from Iowa Girl Eats. Love her blog!
I’m so glad you shared these because there are some amazing-looking recipes in this post! Especially the grilled cheese and the cookies. I’m going to have to bookmark both to make right away!
Also, on another note, I love the new sidebar. The pictures look great!
Thanks, Lauren! I had a lot of fun with it! 🙂
I’m going to have to demand you get gochujang and make some Korean recipes, Jessie! Hahaha! I like to go to Tastespotting for recipe ideas, but usually never follow them completely.
Mmm, I certainly will! Gochujang is right up Peter’s alley!
Cherries, gouda and pear?! Wow.. sign me up! I DO use bloggy recipes. All the time. One of my favorite blogs is How Sweet Eats ( And belated congratulations to you 🙂
–I am making the Chocolate Chip Cookies Immediately 🙂 Thanks.
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy the cookies 🙂
I want those chicken gyros for dinner!! 🙂 Yum!
Hey Jessie! Congratulations on your RD 🙂 sorry I miss your announcement! That must be exciting!
I remember the steamed egg from LeQuan. Your baking dish looks so pretty, and that cheesy sandwich—–M’mmmmm makes me droooool!
Wow what a great line up of goodies! Thanks so much for trying the Pear n Gouda…glad you liked it, but hey yours looks better, maybe the 4 Gouda’s 😉
Everything looks fantastic!
Omg Jessie! I read this when you first posted it and got distracted by the kiddies before commenting. I had it opened for the longest time. For some reason I thought I had already commented. Talk about total mommy brain.
You dear, are definitely one of my blogging inspirations! No matter how busy things get, I’ll always drop by when everything dies down in crazy mommy land here. Haha. It’s a bit funny cause sometimes before posting some of my meals on FB, the thought of, “what would Jessie think of this meal (health wise)” crosses my mind. Yeah, no kidding. Lol. I’ve said it once and I’ll keep saying it again, you’re one of the most sincere bloggers I’ve met and really hope one day to meet in person. What first attracted me to your blog was your fun, sincere, and cute personality and writing. You were always super friendly and willing to try different things. Loved that you tried so many different dishes already and are still making your way around the blogosphere. Keep blogging the way you blog and not only will you have more readers, but you’ll definitely gain some sincere friendships along the way. I know I have ;). Keep on keepin’ on Jessie RD! Hope all is going well with you! Big hugs!!! Thank you again for trying my dish!
Wow…you’ve been busy! What wonderful recipes Jessie. I haven’t made anything unique in a long time. Since time is of the essence I end up sticking to tried and true things and most of them are just…decent. You’ve inspired me!
And…you’ve just made my mid-afternoon hunger so much worse. I can’t wait for this experiment to be over so I can go home and bake!
What a great post, Jessie! You have made some really fantastic things. Thanks for trying my cherry cordial, I’m glad you enjoyed it. That grilled cheese looks to die for! And four types of Gouda in your fridge?! You are a lucky lady indeed! 🙂
Your post always makes me smile. Seems like you have cooked up a storm! Yeah I can see how those recipes are delicious! Those inspire me in many ways and so do you, Jesssssie!
Look at those delicious cheeses!! I didn’t even know there were so many kinds of Gouda out there..let alone 4!! haha. I love Gouda too <3
Yes, always go crazy with the chocolate chips- i do too, especially when im making muffins. mmm and the nuts popping out of the cookies is priceless.
xoxo <3